How to Find a Good Raw Milk Farmer

Is your raw milk farmer really producing low-risk, safe raw milk?

Numerous scientific studies have shown that raw milk is correlated with decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, ear infections, fever, and respiratory infections. However, improperly-produced raw milk can be dangerous! For instance, studies have shown that there are disease-causing pathogens in up to 24% of samples taken from bulk tanks of milk intended for pasteurization.

So how do you find a good source for low-risk raw milk? Keep reading for info about:

  • 35+ RAWMI Listed dairies across the USA and Canada

  • Online raw milk directories

  • Recommended checklist to assess your local raw milk dairy

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RAWMI Listed Farmers

The Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) has developed a rigorous program for raw milk farmers who are dedicated to producing clean, safe raw milk. RAWMI Listed farmers develop a plan for managing the health and hygiene of their farm, receive one-on-one mentoring and guidance for low-risk optimization, and test their milk regularly to ensure compliance with the RAWMI Common Standards for low-risk raw milk. RAWMI Listed farmers meet regularly as a community to share lessons learned and stay up-to-date on the best practices for low-risk raw milk production.

RAWMI currently has 35+ Listed farms in Arizona, Arkansas, British Columbia Canada, California, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario Canada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you are lucky enough to live near a RAWMI Listed dairy, you’ve got a great source for low-risk raw milk nearby.

Raw Milk Directories

If you don’t live near a RAWMI Listed dairy, the following online directories might be helpful in finding a source for raw milk:

This site has a comprehensive state-by-state list of raw milk dairies in the USA.

This site has a handy interactive map of raw milk dairies across the USA and internationally.

For raw milk in the United Kingdom, this website has an interactive map of raw milk dairies.

Checklist for Assessing Raw Milk Dairies

Since most of these dairies have not been Listed by RAWMI, it is recommended that you do some research to make sure that the raw milk you buy is low-risk. Here is a short list of things to look for in a raw milk dairy:

  • Make sure the cows/goats look like they're in good health, with regards to body conformation, udders, coat, etc.

  • Check whether the cows/goats get sunshine and have access to outdoors and some grass.

  • Inspect to make sure that everything involved in the milking process looks very clean, including the milking parlor, all milking equipment, bottle cleaning area, bottling area, milk jars/bottles, etc.

  • Find out about their process for cleaning bottles, such as whether they use hot water, washing machine, etc.

  • Ask to see what the udder cleaning process looks like, making sure the udders are cleaned very well, pre-dipped, dried, and stripped before milking begins. 

  • Learn about their milk chilling process. It is best if the milk is chilled quickly to just above freezing (38-40 degrees F) in ~45-60 minutes, such as with an ice bath or other more high-tech chilling equipment.

  • Find out what their water source is and whether their water is tested regularly.

  • Find out what the shelf-life of their milk is, from fresh to souring. Cold, clean raw milk should have good flavor and taste for at least 12-14 days or even longer.  Short shelf life with rising bubbles in the milk would indicate high presence of coliform bacteria, which indicates that the milk is not hygienic.

  • Ask about what regular testing they do, and find out specifically what their coliform counts have been. RAWMI Common Standards aim for <10 coliforms/mL of raw milk.

  • Take a look into the farmer's kitchen: does it look clean and orderly? Look at their truck, too. Personal practices often say so much about behaviors when no one is watching. 

  • To really make sure their overall processes and procedures are optimal for low-risk raw milk, direct them to contact RAWMI and consider becoming RAWMI Listed

If your local raw milk dairy is not Listed by RAWMI, consider asking them to contact the Raw Milk Institute. We provide mentoring and training, help farmers develop their own unique on-farm Risk Assessment and Management Plan, and provide ongoing support. It is FREE for farmers and helps ensure that their milk is low-risk and safe for you and your family!

You may also want to share these resources with your farmer:

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